På svenska

Information to applicants

The Foundation Extensus, Uppsala yearly announces research grants in ecological botany, mainly in the below prioritised disciplines. Note! Maximum of 50 000 SEK per application.

Funds may be granted for research including, equipment, travel costs and costs for publication.

Granted funding should primarily be used for plant ecological research within the following areas, without order of priority.

Instructions to applicant:

Applications should be sent to Stiftelsen Extensus not later than 16 February 2025.

The application should include project description, information on earlier results, CV and information on how the money will be spent and whether funding is applied for and/or received from other sources.

The application should include contact information, and may comprise maximum three pages, plus curriculum vitae maximum two pages, all information in one file pdf.

One applicant can not receive funding more than two consecutive years.

Successful applicants are kindly asked to send a short report on the results and also publications generated from the project.

The application should be:


Vedön, Gysinge
Foto Jerry Skoglund

Fiby urskog
Foto Jerry Skoglund